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Yuhang Wang

I am a postdoctoral researcher at USN, Borre, where I work on Human Factor Engineering, Human-Machine Interactions etc..

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  • 10/2023, one paper has been accepted by IEEE CloudNet 2023.
  • 09/2023, Finish Secondment to WHUT.
  • 05/2023, one paper has been accepted by IEEE DSC 2023.
  • 03/2023, Start Secondment to WHUT.
  • 01/2022, Start Research Project ENHANCE in USN
  • 11/2021, one paper has been accepted by pHealth 2021.
  • 09/2021, Event: webinar of Health Democratization.
  • 05/2021, one paper has been accepted by IEEE NETWORK.
  • 11/2020, one paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
  • 08/2020, one paper has been selected as IEEE NETWORK MAGAZINE.
  • 01/2020, high H-index achieved published in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
  • Recent Projects

    I mainly devoted into human-centric study for various human-machine interaction studies.

  • Health Democratization
  • Project Page | Research Council of Norway (in Norwegian)

    The Health Democratisation project is coordinated by NTNU's Department of Information Security and Communication Technology (IIK), with participants from NTNU's Department of Public Health and Nursing (ISM), Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering (IVB), and Department of Computer Science (IDI). NTNU will also partner with several national (SINTEF Security, the Norwegian Computing Center, the Norwegian Directorate of eHealth, and Inland Hospital), international (Maastricht University, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) research institutes, and project sub-contractors (TicSalut, Tecnalia, Lynkeus, and Kallistech).The project has a budget of approximately 27 million Norwegian krone to support 5 PhD/PostDoc positions in addition to the permanent research staffs with NTNU and its partners. Some of the project results are expected to contribute to the national health data infrastructure via the collaboration with the national project Helseanalyseplattformen. The project is also in liaison with the EU H2020 project My Health My Data.

  • Progress and trend of industrial Internet security
  • Project Page

    With the global industrial information security incidents occurring frequently, the security vulnerabilities of industrial control systems are increasing, the ways of network attacks in industrial areas are becoming diverse, and the security concerns of industrial Internet are increasing. This paper describes the status and market scale of security in industrial Internet industry, analyses the current security situation of industrial Internet and security elements, specifies the progress of standards at home and abroad, classifies the security technology system, and looks forward to the development trend of industrial Internet security.


  • M.S. "Research on location privacy protection technology based on K-anonymity in location service" at Harbin Institute of Technology.
  • B.E. "Design and implementation of DNS and DNSsec protocol resolution and traffic identification system" at Harbin Institute of Technology.
  • M.S. "A location privacy protection technology based on generalization method" at Harbin Institute of Technology.
  • M.S. "Research on key Technologies of Location-based Big Data Privacy Protection based on trajectory" at Harbin Institute of Technology.
  • Publications

    My major research interests focus on enabling privacy-enhancement technologies in vairous ICT domain: include Mobile Internet, IoT, VANET, Edge Computing, Statistics, etc.

    Conference Papers:

    1. Reinforcing Health Data Sharing through Data Democratization
      Yuhang Wang, Bian Yang
      pHealth 2021 | paper

    2. Preserving location privacy in mobile edge computing
      Yuhang Wang, Zhihong Tian, Shen Su, Yanbin Sun, Chunsheng Zhu
      IEEE ICC 2019 | paper

    3. Enhancing Location Privacy for Geolocation Service through Perturbation
      Yunhe Wang, Hongli Zhang, Shen Su
      ICCCS 2018

    4. VAT: A Velocity-Aware Trajectory Privacy Preservation Scheme for IoT Searching
      Yunhe Wang, Hongli Zhang, Shen Su
      ICCCS 2018 | paper

    5. A Location Privacy-Aware Method for kNN Query in Location Based Services
      Yuhang Wang, Hongli Zhang, Shen Su, Zhihong Tian
      IEEE DSC 2017 | paper

    Journal Papers:

    1. Location Privacy in Mobile Edge Computing: Classification and Exploration
      Zhihong Tian, Yuhang Wang, Yanbin Sun, Jing Qiu
      IEEE NETWORK 2021 |paper

    2. Preserving Location Privacy in UASN through Collaboration and Semantic Encapsulation
      Yunhe Wang; Zhihong Tian; Yanbin Sun; Xiaojiang Du; Nadra Guizani
      IEEE NETWORK 2020 | paper

    3. LocJury: An IBN-based Location Privacy Preserving Scheme for IoCV
      Yuhang Wang, Zhihong Tian, Yanbin Sun, Xiaojiang Du, Nadra Guizani
      IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2020 | paper

    4. Location Privacy in Device-Dependent Location-Based Services: Challenges and Solution
      Yuhang Wang, Yanbin Sun, Shen Su, Zhihong Tian, Mohan Li, Qiu Jing, Xianzhi Wang
      Computers, Materials and Continua 2019 | paper

    5. A privacy preserving scheme for nearest neighbour query
      Yuhang Wang, Zhihong Tian, Hongli Zhang, Shen Su, Wei Shi
      Sensors 2018 | paper

    6. Research on location privacy on mobile internet (in Chinese)
      Yuhang Wang, Hongli Zhang, Xiangzhan Yu
      Journal on Communications 2015 | paper

    7. KAP: location privacy-preserving approach in location services (in Chinese)
      Yuhang Wang, Hongli Zhang, Xiangzhan Yu
      Journal on Communications 2014 | paper

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